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Romantic Valentine’s Day Flowers

Picking the right flowers to say “I love you” on Valentine’s Day can be a tough decision, but we’re making it simpler. These dazzling bouquets will have your special someone falling in love all over again.


There’s nothing more glamorous than this arrangement! With Stargazer lilies, red roses, red mini carnations, white freesia, and white tuberoses, this glorious arrangement is sure to be the highlight of any day for your sweetheart. They’ll appreciate every petal and think of you every time they see it!


Guilty Pleasure

Indulge your loved one with something truly special on this day filled with love! The radiant red roses mix with the decadent baby blue eucalyptus to create a truly drop-dead gorgeous bouquet. Elegant and divine, you won’t feel guilty about this pleasure!



Straight From The Heart

This striking basket is sure to captivate! With beautiful pink roses, lovely pink and white alstroemeria, gorgeous pink Asiatic lilies, enticing lavender carnations, and more, Straight From The Heart is bursting with love. Send this charming basket and make someone’s day more memorable!


Rendezvous Roses

You’ve never seen roses like this! With lavender, ivory, red, and coral roses, the Rendezvous Roses bouquet adds a unique twist on classic flowers that is sure to leave them spellbound. Breathtaking and graceful, these exquisite roses showcase the magnitude of your love for that special someone.


Pink N’ Flirty

Spice up the love! With striking Stargazer lilies, blue iris, purple statice, lavender stock, and pink gerberas, this attractive arrangement adds a fun and flirty twist to a day full of love. Pink N’ Flirty is the perfect way to flirt with that special someone and show them how you feel!



Whether you’re starting a new relationship or have spent a lifetime together, sending flowers on Valentine’s Day shows your feelings for your significant other. A local florist is ready to design the perfect arrangement for your loved one, so order today!

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