Flower Shop Network is proud to announce that FloristWare, a state of the art Point of Sale System for retail florists, now interfaces to the
FSNF2F.com sending and receiving network. FloristWare now offers users an interface into the Flower Shop Network electronic sending and receiving system, allowing transmission of orders without double entry. If you don't have FloristWare, contact them directly to start your no obligation free trial by calling
(888) 531-3012 or visit
The development teams at Flower Shop Network and Floristware have worked to make the configuration process as simple as possible. Please review the system requirements and configuration steps for both Flower Shop Network and FloristWare below to start sending and receiving orders via your FloristWare POS System.

FloristWare Setup - review the instructions below or call
(888) 531-3012

Flower Shop Network Setup - review the instructions below or call
(800) 858-9925
- Online FSN-F2F account is required. If you've already registered for access to your FSN-F2F account at www.fsnf2f.com, simply make note of your login id and password, you'll need it to properly configure the FloristWare POS System to send or receive florist to florist and ecommerce orders.
- If you are a current Flower Shop Network member and haven't registered for an FSN-F2F account, you can register online - signing up online is easy and is free with your Flower Shop Network premium membership. If you are unable to register online or have questions about the capabilities of FSN-F2F, please contact us and we can help get you started.
- Once you are able to login to FSN-F2F using your current login id and password, contact FSN Customer Support at (800) 858-9925 and advise them that you'd like to be setup to send/receive via the FloristWare POS System.
After reviewing the configuration instructions above, if you have problems configuring the FSN or FloristWare settings, please use the contact information below and we'll be happy to help out.